Utilising sport as a business development tool

Solutions through Sport...

Start planning for success today.

Making Money and building brand through sport…


How WE use sport…

The power of sport is undeniable and holds a special place in most societies and communities. It offers a unique opportunity for businesses. Grow your business, overcome challenges, and become part of the community.

Only a few years ago sports marketing was thought of as putting a logo on shirts or the pitches. Not today.

The sports industry is much more creative and has a lot to offer, and we use it all. Access fanbases, image transfers, product sampling events, product research, high-profile case studies, employee engagement campaigns and so much more…

Should YOU use sport…

The short answer… We don’t know yet.

While sport can offer amazing solutions and opportunities that can be hugely effective. Your business is unique with different needs and goals from any other.

We can only know once we know more about your business needs and circumstances.

You should consider it, but it isn’t a fit for every business. We are here to help you find out through an introductory call and initial research phase.


Full Sponsorship programme management

Ready to get serious about leveraging sport to grow your business?

Then it’s time we talk. Seeker Sports can manage the process from day one, creating a campaign concept based on the outcomes you are looking for.

Sponsorship Engagement

Do you need a reliable and trustable partner to support your team in identifying, evaluating, and negotiating collaborations in sport?

Well, that’s what we love to do!

Consultation and Coaching

Is there a challenge, problem, or decision you are currently contending with regarding your sports marketing?

At Seeker Sports we are passionate about the industry and ready to geek out over your sports marketing to help you find the right path forward.

Sponsorship Analysis

Are you unsure how successful your sponsorship marketing has really been? Or maybe you want to showcase just how smart you are for running the sponsorship campaign…

It’s time to jump into the data and figure out the results.

Rights holder?

Are you an Athlete, Coach, Club, Venue, or Event Organiser? Are you looking for support to commercialise and monetise what you do? Then get in touch, we want to help!